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The acceptance rate for Scopus journals varies widely and is dependent on a variety of factors, such as the journal's subject area, the quality of submitted articles, the size and competitiveness of the author pool, and the editorial standards and policies of the journal and It's difficult to provide a general acceptance rate for Scopus journals, as each journal has its own review process and criteria for acceptance. Some Scopus journals may have a high acceptance rate, while others may have a much lower rate due to a high volume of submissions or a selective editorial policy.

In terms of rejection rates, it's not uncommon for Scopus journals to have a high rate of rejection, especially for journals with a strong reputation and a rigorous peer-review process. However, the rejection rate can vary widely depending on the factors mentioned above and ultimately its important to carefully review of journal submission guideline and past publication record before submitting your articles and increase chances of acceptance



The rejection rate of Scopus journals varies widely depending on a number of factors, including the quality of the submitted articles, the competitiveness of the author pool, and the editorial standards and policies of the journal. It's difficult to provide a general rejection rate for Scopus journals as each journal has its own review process for acceptance

However, it’s not uncommon for Scopus journals to have a high rejection rate, especially for journals with a strong reputation and a rigorous peer-review process. Many high-quality journals receive a large volume of submissions, and only a fraction of those submissions are ultimately accepted for publication. Some journals may have a rejection rate of 50% or higher, while others may have a lower rate depending on their editorial policies and the competitiveness of the field.


It's important to carefully review a journal's submission guidelines and past publication record before submitting your article to increase your chances of acceptance. It may also be helpful to seek feedback from colleagues and mentors to ensure that your article is of high quality and likely to be competitive in the review process